About Us

Welcome to Green Bit, a forward-thinking software company committed to delivering innovative solutions to businesses worldwide.
About Us

Who are we?

At Green Bit, we understand that operating on a global scale can be challenging, which is why we build our software with reliability, security, and scalability in mind. Our goal is to make technology work for you, no matter where you are in the world.

Our mission

What do we do?

We specialize in developing custom web and mobile applications that help businesses achieve their goals and thrive in a digital world.



High quality natively compiled apps for iOS and Android using flutter, developed and maintained by Google.


React Native

High quality natively compiled apps for iOS and Android using react native, developed and maintained by Meta.



Need a web application? We can help you build a web application or API for your mobile app with Laravel.



High quality web applications built with Vue.js, a progressive JavaScript framework.



A client-optimized language for fast apps on any platform.



A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. We can help you build a web application or API for your mobile app with Node.js.



An open source mobile UI toolkit for building modern, high quality cross-platform mobile apps from a single code base in Vue.js, React, or Angular.

Our methods

How do we work?

Software strategy is crucial for any business, and we take it seriously. We believe that our clients are the key to our success, and we're committed to working closely with them to understand their needs and develop customized solutions.

Planning and Strategy

We begin by working closely with our clients to understand their needs and goals. This may involve identifying the target audience, defining the project scope, and creating a plan that outlines the key features and functionalities.

Development and Testing

We follow an agile development approach, which allows us to adapt quickly to changes and continually refine and improve the software. Throughout the development process, we rigorously test the software to ensure that it's of the highest quality.

Deployment and Maintenance

Once the software is developed and tested, we work with our clients to deploy the software and provide ongoing maintenance and support. We're committed to ensuring that our clients' software solutions continue to meet their needs and evolve with their businesses over time.

Our clients

Who trusts us?